Fox Mountain in winter

Webcams, weather and snow conditions

Watch live webcam footage directly from Cihlářka and surroundings, weather forecast by Windy and current weather conditions from local weather station. Get the most up-to-date information for planning your mountain activities.

Sense: 1°C
2 m/s SV
1009 hPa
More about weather, skiing and slopes
Passability of the road
The road is impassable

The road from Černý důl is currently completely impassable even for off-road vehicles.

Aktualizováno: 03. 03. 2025 09:51
Our transport services

Lyže a další sportovní vybavení NENÍ možné si zapůjčit na Cihlářské boudě a v jejím bezprostředním okolí.

Vybavení si přivezte s sebou! Posední možnost je půjčovna v Černém Dole, cca 2000m před naším zimním parkovištěm.

25. 12. 2024 - 31. 03. 2025


We bring you live webcam footage from Cihlářka and its surroundings to give you an overview of the current weather and snow conditions. Click on the individual cameras to see what it looks like on the ground.

Webcam Cihlarská bouda

Webcam Cihlářka - current weather and condition of the ski slope in Černý Důl, Giant Mountains

Webcam Husova bouda

Webcam Husova bouda, Giant Mountains

Weather stations

View current and historical data from the weather station located at Cihlářka on Weather Underground, WeatherCloud, Windguru or Windy. The temperature, wind direction and pressure information in the header of the page comes directly from our station and may be very different from the forecast for Černý důl.

Weather forecast

Check the current weather conditions directly over the area Černý Důl and the surrounding area using Windy. Watch not only the temperature, but also wind speed, humidity and precipitation. This information is updated in real time so you always have an accurate overview.

More at

Skiresort Černá hora - Pec

Summer season

For up-to-date information about the Ski Resort, please select the link for the summer season.

Summer: webcams and updates

Winter season

If you plan to ski, check the current state of the slopes in the area. Near Cihlářská bouda there is SkiResort Černá hora - Pec, which offers excellent skiing conditions. The closest ski resorts to us are Pec pod Sněžkou, Černá hora and Černý důl. The manager offers snowmobile transport to the Pec pod Sněžkou ski resort to the transmitter or towards Husova bouda depending on the current snow situation. More information for the winter season and webcam and lift operation.

Winter: webcams and lift operation

Cross-country skiing tracks

You can find up-to-date information on cross-country skiing tracks on specialised servers. We recommend a map of the trails with the status on, up-to-date information on Bí, short reports of cross-country skiers on KamZaSně, or clear tables on The status of cross-country ski tracks can also be found as a separate layer on the winter layer of